Tatsiana Yubko


+375 (44) 720-34-82



About me

I've been working as a graphics designer and a web-designer for 6 years.
I've been rewarded as the best employee of the quarter in my department.

At work:

  • Take an active part in the life of the team.
  • Train my colleagues in the basics of web-design and working with graphic editors.
  • Use scripts to automate the process of creating graphics.

Like to learn something new and try to improve my skills.
Сan manage my time and prioritize tasks.

My dream is to work in an excellent team with the professionals.
Fond of drawing, painting, cycling, hiking, photographing.



  • Create static and animated graphics using Adobe Creative Suite software package (Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, Flash, After Effects), Sketch, Figma, as well as Google Web Designer.
  • Work with raster and vector graphics. Do layouts for printing, promotional materials, infographics, logos and corporate identity.
  • Have knowledge of HTML5, CSS3, JS.
  • Use Nodejs, npm, Gulp, Webpack, Yarn, Bootstrap, jquery, Scss preprocessor, BEM methodology, Git version control.
  • Can work with OmniPlan, OmniGraffle, Visual Studio Code tools, XMind, GitKraken, CMS - Wordpress, 1C-Bitrix.
  • Make landing pages, web sites and newsletters.


  • Drawing skill.
  • Photographing and image editing in Lightroom and Aperture.
  • 3D skill - making interior design in ArchiCAD

Code examples:


2013-2014 Internet-portal energobelarus.by and agrobelarus.by

  • Creation of interfaces and website layout.
  • Corporate identity and flash banners.

2014 Software development company ximxim.com

  • Preparation of marketing promotional materials for mobile games.
  • Cooperation with a team of marketers and designers of game projects.

2015-2019 Internet-site oma.by

  • Participation in the development of the website.
  • Designing landing pages and newsletters for advertising campaigns.
  • Creating graphics and banners in various formats: static, html-animation, gif-animation.
  • Making templates for package graphic development.
  • Infographic, typography, logo and identity.


Higher education:

2013 - Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio electronics, Minsk
Faculty of continuing education and retraining, programmer-web designer

2007 - Women's Institute ENVILA, Minsk
Faculty of modern foreign languages, linguist translator

Self education:

2020 - Front-end development online-courses


Upper- Intermediate Studying English at Institute for 5 years as a translator.